Crows Rival Human Toddlers in Counting Skills

Chris Lawson June 17, 2024
Sven-Erik Arndt/Arterra/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

Avian Arithmetic: Crows Match Human Toddlers in Counting Skills

Move over, toddlers—there's a new math whiz in town, and it has feathers! Recent research has revealed that crows possess counting skills on par with young children. That's right, these clever birds can count, proving once again that nature is full of surprises. Not only does this discovery highlight the incredible intelligence of crows, but it also offers fascinating insights into the cognitive abilities of animals. So, the next time you see a crow, remember: you might just be looking at a bird brainiac!

In a groundbreaking study published in Science this May, researchers reveal that crows possess counting abilities comparable to those of young human toddlers. Lead author Diana Liao, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Tübingen, explains that these findings mark a significant milestone, suggesting that crows may be the first non-human species to demonstrate such sophisticated numerical cognition.

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